The "Mars Effect" Cover

The "Mars Effect"

A French Test of over 1,000 Sports Champions

Claude Benski, Dominique Caudron, Yves Galifret, Jean-Paul Krivine, Jean-Claude Pecker, Michael Rouzé, Evry Schatzman
With a Commentary by Jan Willem Nienhuys

Prometheus, 1996, 157 pp, €26.90, ISBN 0-87975-988-7. Counter page views.

About the Book

Noted French writer Michel Gauquelin was a strong critic of traditional astrology, but he maintained that there was a direct correlation between the planetary positions at the time of a person's birth and that individual's personality and eventual achievement. He claimed to find a relationship between Jupiter and military prowess, Venus and artists, Mars and sports greatness - the last of which resulted in the term "Mars Effect". Gauquelin labeled this theory "Astrobiology".

The French Committee for the Study of Paranormal Phenomena convened to test his claim and gathered data on 1,066 famous sports figures. The data from the French test is now available for review. Is Gauquelin correct in his claims for an astrological impact on some gifted athletes, or might there be other explanations? Now you can decide for yourself.


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