Gods Have Landed Cover

The Gods Have Landed

New Religions From Other Worlds

Edited by James R. Lewis

State University of New York Press, 1995, 332 pp, index, €23.70, ISBN 0-7914-2330-1. Counter page views.

About the Book

The Gods Have Landed is a comprehensive account of the religious dimension of the UFO/flying saucer experience. It examines the religious meanings attached to UFOs by the larger society as well as specific movements that claim inspiration from "Space Brother" and other extra-terrestrial sources. It addresses the religious dimension of the phenomenon of alien abductions, particularly the impact of extra-terrestrial life on Christian theology.

Of special interest are the survey of primary and secondary materials that make this book the indispensible reference on the subject.

The whole idea of taking seriously, in a scholarly sense, a phenomenon that has a widespread following but has so far been largely scorned by serious scholars is quite appealing; it means that this book is breaking new and important ground.

Timothy Miller
University of Kansas

It provokes interesting intersections with ancient and modern religious ideas. Its strength is in taking the religious dimension of UFOs and the abductees' experiences seriously. I particularly like its historical framework and the extensive bibliography.

David Christopher Lane
Mount San Antonio College

About the Editor

James R. Lewis is Senior Editor for the Center for Academic Publication and Senior Research Fellow for the Institute for the Study of American Religion. He is co-editor of Perspectives on the New Age, also published by SUNY Press, and editor of Syzygy: Journal of Alternative Religion and Culture.


  1. The Contactees: A Survey, by J. Gordon Melton
  2. Religious Dimensions of the UFO Phenomena, by John. A. Saliba
  3. Religious Dimensions of the UFO Abductee Experience, by John Whitmore
  4. Unarius: Emergent Aspects of an American Flying Saucer Group, by Diana Tumminia and R. George Kirkpatrick
  5. Women in the Raelian Movement: New Religious Experiments in Gender and Authority, by Susan Jean Palmer
  6. Waiting for the Ships: Disillusionment and the Revitalisation of Faith in Bo and Peep's UFO Cult, by Robert W. Balch
  7. Spiritualism and UFO Religion in New Zealand: The International Transmission of Modern Spiritual Movements, by Rober S. Ellwood
  8. Exo-Theology: Speculations of Extraterrestrial Life, by Ted Peters
  9. UFO Contactee Phenomena from a Sociopsychological Perspective: A Review, by John. A Saliba
  10. The Flying Saucer Contactee Movement, 1950-1994: A Bibliography, by J. Gordon Melton and George M. Eberhart

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