Lee Traynor's PHP Tutorials - ImageMagick® Interpreter: InterDraw

Updated: July 4, 2012
New: Correcting Transverse Chromatic Aberration

Completely Revised and Updated: October 23, 2011
with Fashionable Reflections, Advanced Tone Mapping

All content, including images, © 2012 by Lee Traynor


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The nightmare of graphic user interfaces (GUIs) is twofold: they require an enormous amount of intuition to operate them; and the results are correspondingly sloppy. Recently, I wanted to design a few simple images to illustrate geometrical transformations for another tutorial (Squaring the Circle with ImageMagick®) and although I had clear mathematical goals, accomplishing them proved almost as difficult as inventing the wheel. What I needed was a way of communicating these precise mathematical concepts concisely to a graphics generating program.
That is: I did not want to have to sit down with an editor and write script for Imagick, then switch to the browser and reload, and switch and edit and reload page after page. Rather, I wanted to do the whole caboodle from the browser. If necessary, time after time. Nor did I want to have to check the syntax and tweak parameters that were moot anyhow. But what I did want was a simplified version of the command line that would do what I intended. And as some of those things would be a little more complicated in execution than others, I wanted to unify and simplify the commandos to make the whole thing manageable.
So if you're wondering why the graphics experts in CSI are busy at the keyboard, rather than dragging the mouse around a lot, the solution is: They're using InterDraw.

The topic of installing ImageMagick® and the Imagick DLL for PHP on your computer has been dealt with in the tutorial on ImageMagick® and Panorama Processing.

Picture this: A text box for typing in commandos, and a submit button that when pressed reloads the page with the executed graphic. Hey, that's all, folks! Except for implementing the interpreter and perhaps a couple of sanity checks.

The form used here has exactly just those two elements. Everything else will come from the user. Note that the wrap in the textarea named dcode is turned off, because InterDraw will interpret each line as a separate instruction and without wrapping overlength lines it is easier to see what belongs to each instruction.

extract ($_POST);
$b = "\r\n";
echo "<html>$b";
echo "<head>$b";
echo "<title>Lee Traynor's InterDraw</title>$b";
echo "</head>$b";
echo "<body>$b";
echo "<center><h2>Lee Traynor's InterDraw</h2>$b";
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"{$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]}\">$b";
echo "<table>$b";
echo "<tr valign=\"top\"><th align=\"right\">Drawing Code:</th>$b";
echo "<td><textarea cols=\"60\" rows=\"12\" name=\"dcode\" scrollbars=\"auto\" wrap=\"off\">$b";
if (isset ($dcode)) echo $dcode;
echo "</textarea></td></tr>$b";
echo "<tr valign=\"top\"><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Draw!\"></td></tr>$b";
if (isset ($dcode))
  #[This is where the fun will happen.]
echo "</table>$b";
echo "</form>$b";

Our drawing code will be entered into the text box and handed over to PHP as $dcode. We will take every line of $dcode as an instruction to be interpreted into a drawing/graphic process.

The first step would then be to break up $dcode into an array, if it is set, and to break up each array further into components for the interpreter. The shell of our system will look like this:

if (isset ($dcode))
  $dcode = explode ($b, strtolower ($dcode));
  foreach ($dcode as $element)
    $data = explode (" ", $element);
    #[Here a switch element will follow to interpret every line]

After the loop we will want to do two things:

Our $dcode is recycled into the text box at every call for easy modification.

Viewing the image

Before viewing the image these points will have to be taken into account:

This is achieved by following the loop with:

echo "</table>$b<table>$b";
if (isset ($filename) and in_array ($format, array ("gif", "jpg", "png"))) echo "<tr valign=\"top\"><td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color:#CCCCCC\"><img src=\"$filename\"></td></tr>$b";
  $im->writeImage ("temp.png");
  echo "<tr valign=\"top\"><td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color:#CCCCCC\"><img src=\"temp.png\"></td></tr>$b";
$im->destroy ();


The data for each successful instance of our drawing should be saved to a text file for later perusal.

if (!isset ($filename)) $filename = ""; else $filename .= $b;
file_put_contents ("ID_Log.txt", date ("Y.m.d, H:i:s") . "$b" . trim (implode ($b, $dcode)) . "$b$filename--$b", FILE_APPEND);

Some things to do to start with

Some hints have already become apparent in designing the shell that some basic tasks need to be addressed before starting to draw:

However, we also need to keep in mind that we could create a blank image first and then load an existing image onto it, in which case it needs to be checked whether a blank image has already been created or not.
Using $data[0], the first word of the commando, to guide us through the switch, these functions can be achieved with:

switch ($data[0])
  case "new":
    $im = new Imagick();
    checkdata (array (640, 480, "transparent"));
    $width = $data[1];
    $height = $data[2];
    $im->newImage ($width, $height, $data[3]);
  case "image":
    if (isset ($im)) $im->destroy ();
    array_shift ($data);
    $file_im = implode (" ", $data);
    $format = array_pop (explode (".", $file_im));
    $im = New Imagick ($file_im);
    list ($width, $height) = array_values ($im->getImageGeometry ());
  case "addimage":
    array_shift ($data);
    $x = array_shift ($data);
    $y = array_shift ($data);
    $file_im = implode (" ", $data);
    $im_temp = New Imagick ($file_im);
    $im->compositeImage ($im_temp, imagick::COMPOSITE_DSTOVER, $x, $y);
    $im_temp->destroy ();
  case "save":
    $im->writeImage ($data[1]);
    $filename = $data[1];
    $parts = explode (".", $filename);
    $format = array_pop ($parts);

The function checkdata () ensures that optional parameters are set to individually determinable default values if they are not explicitly specified:

function checkdata ($defaults)
  global $data;
  if (!is_array ($defaults)) $defaults = array ($defaults);
  foreach ($defaults as $i=>$default) if (!isset ($data[$i + 1])) $data[$i + 1] = $default;

The first line of the drawing code could start with the word "new" in which case a new Imagick object would be created that would then also require two further parameters to be defined: $height and $width. A third parameter to define the background colour is optional. If it is not set, then the default is "transparent", which is preferable in any case (as will become clear in the course of the tutorial). The background colour can be dealt with with its own commando:

case "background":
  $imtemp = new Imagick ();
  $imtemp->newImage ($width, $height, $data[1]);
  $im->compositeImage ($imtemp, imagick::COMPOSITE_DSTOVER, 0, 0);
  $imtemp->destroy ();

The other way of creating a new image would be to load an existing one with the word "image" which would carry with it its own height and width; but we would first need to see whether an image was already present, and, if so, destroy it. Alternatively, we could add an image onto an existing canvas.

Finally, Imagick allows a large number of graphics formats to be saved, simply by appending the appropriate ending to the file name. This graphic format can be retrieved for later use by extracting the file suffix, i.e the character string after the last ".".

Even with these three commandos we can already do useful work, e.g.:

  1. Transform one graphic format to another, simply by loading an image in one format and saving it in the other; and
  2. Create a blank canvas, paste an existing image onto it, and save it.

Examples of InterDraw code
1. To transform one graphic format to another:

image file.jpg
save file.png

2. To paste an image onto an existing canvas:

new 640 480 none
addimage file.jpg 10 75 (adds image with topleft corner at 10, 75)
save paste.jpg

Warning! InterDraw has no mechanism to prevent files from being overwritten and it will overwrite files without asking.

Now before we get down to some actual drawing, let's consider a short-cut which will save us some work on the way:

Extending the Object

As we will be setting the parameters of drawing objects (stroke colour, width, fill colour, and transparency) time and again, the question arises of writing a function that can be used for this, rather than having to write separate lines of code each time the task arises. In Object-Oriented Programming, this is achieved by extending the object by a new function; and in contrast to non-OOP where a value (e.g. array) is returned, the object itself is operated on and doesn't require returning. Our new object LTImagickDraw will thus be able to use this function:

class LTImagickDraw extends ImagickDraw
  function ColorWidthFill ($color = "black", $width = 1, $fill = "none", $trans = 1.0)
    $this->setStrokeAntialias (true);
    $this->setStrokeColor ($color);
    $this->setStrokeWidth ($width);
    $this->setFillColor ($fill);
    if ($color == "none" or $color == "transparent") $this->setStrokeAlpha (0);
    else $this->setStrokeAlpha ($trans);

This allows us to perform a number of methods on an object at the same time; unset function parameters (which can be left out from right to left) will be set to the defaults black, 1, none and 1.0 for stroke colour, width, fill colour and transparency, respectively. In detail, the methods perform the tasks:

A line

In order now to draw something on our canvas we will have to make use of the new, LTImagickDraw class of objects and their methods, which includes all of the methods of the native ImagickDraw class which is available in PHP. To draw a line, we need a colour for the line, its width, and the x- and y-coordinates of the beginning and end points. The InterDraw syntax will look like this:
line color width start_x start_y finish_x finish_y
and is implemented in PHP with:

case "line":
  $draw = new LTImagickDraw ();
  $draw->ColorWidthFill ($data[1], $data[2]);
  $draw->line ($data[3], $data[4], $data[5], $data[6]);
  $im->drawImage ($draw);
  $draw->destroy ();

Note that not only is an object of the type LTImagickDraw created, passed onto our Imagick object $im before being destroyed, but that a number of methods need to be applied:

In the next section we will use very similar syntaxes to create a number of simple geometric objects.


new 120 90
line red 3 10 20 90 80
line blue 2.5 100 10 20 70
background plum1
save linex.jpg

As we begin to populate InterDraw, it should be kept in mind that the interpreter is there to simplify matters; if instead of writing three lines of PHP, we only need to write one commando line, then its purpose is served. And in some cases we may be able to save much more than just two lines of PHP.

Grid, Ellipse, (Irregular) Polygon, and Regular Polygon


A grid is simply a set of vertical and horizontal lines that can easily be produced by starting with the example of the line above. A grid might come in handy for any number of applications (such as the internal grid of a graph, or in leveling and undistorting images). But it is also a good example for how one commando can be extended to produce multiple actions. The InterDraw syntax is grid color width spacing and its implementation is:

case "grid":
  $draw = new LTImagickDraw ();
  $draw->ColorWidthFill ($data[1], $data[2]);
  for ($i = 1; $i < $height / $data[3]; $i++) $draw->line (0, $i * $data[3], $width, $i * $data[3]);
  for ($i = 1; $i < $width / $data[3]; $i++) $draw->line ($i * $data[3], 0, $i * $data[3], $height);
  $im->drawImage ($draw);
  $draw->destroy ();


new 120 90
grid orchid1 1 15
background chartreuse
save gridex.gif


ImagickDraw (and by inheritance, LTImagickDraw) will directly produce an ellipse if it is told to draw it from 0° to 360°. The InterDraw syntax is
ellipse border_color border_width fill_color center_x center_y radius_horizontal radius_vertical
Since a circle is simply an ellipse with radius_horizontal = radius_vertical, I will not deal with Imagick's circle method here. This time, however, we will also need to determine the fill colour, if we don't want an empty ellipse. The ellipse is implemented:

case "ellipse":
  $draw = new ImagickDraw ();
  $draw->ColorWidthFill ($data[1], $data[2], $data[3]);
  $draw->ellipse ($data[4], $data[5], $data[6], $data[7], 0, 360);
  $im->drawImage ($draw);
  $draw->destroy ();    


new 120 90
ellipse white 1 black 45 45 40 30
save ellipsex.gif

(Irregular) Polygon

In addition to the features of having border and fill colours and a border width, any irregular polygon will consist of at least three pairs of coordinates. Thus the basic Interdraw syntax will be
poly border_color border_width fill_color x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 [{xn yn}]
Imagick will automatically join the last coordinate back to the first to seal the polygon. Some further points to note about the implementation of the irregular polygon:

case "poly":
  $draw = new LTImagickDraw ();
  $draw->ColorWidthFill ($data[1], $data[2], $data[3]);
  for ($i = 0; $i < (count ($data) - 4) / 2; $i++) $polydata[] = array ("x" => $data[(2 * $i + 4)], "y" => $data[(2 * $i + 5)]);
  $draw->polygon ($polydata);
  unset ($polydata);
  $im->drawImage ($draw);
  $draw->destroy ();


new 120 90
poly white 1 black 45 45 40 85 110 80
poly lime 2 orange 110 65 100 5 10 20
poly none 0 cyan 5 25 40 45 35 85 10 80 15 45
background peachpuff
save polyex.gif

Regular Polygon

For regular polygons, on the other hand, it is not necessary to explicitly state the coordinates of the vertices, as they can be calculated from knowing the number of sides, the centre point and the radius of the circle that would circumscribe the polygon. In addition to perfectly circular polygons with a vertex at 0°, the regular polygons implemented here can be stretched in either the x- y-axis and rotated. The InterDraw syntax thus contains some optional elements:
regpoly border_color border_width fill_color n_sides centre_x centre_y radius_horizontal [radius_vertical [rotate]]
This means that if we wish to rotate the polygon, its vertical radius will also have to be determined first. However, if the polygon remains unrotated and unstretched, then the vertical radius can also be left out.

case "regpoly":
  $draw = new LTImagickDraw ();
  $draw->ColorWidthFill ($data[1], $data[2], $data[3]);
  if (!isset ($data[8])) $data[8] = $data[7];
  if (isset ($data[9])) $rotate = M_PI * $data[9] / 180; else $rotate = 0;
  for ($i = 0; $i < $data[4]; $i++) $polydata[] = array ("x" => $data[5] + $data[7] * cos ($rotate + 2 * $i * M_PI / $data[4]), "y" => $data[6] + $data[8] * sin ($rotate + 2 * $i * M_PI / $data[4]));
  $draw->polygon ($polydata);
  unset ($polydata);
  $im->drawImage ($draw);
  $draw->destroy ();


new 120 90
regpoly blue 2 greenyellow 5 45 45 40
regpoly black 3 none 5 75 50 40 40 -18
background tomato
save rpolyex.gif

Common Tasks, Housekeeping and Complex Lines

Draw only once per cycle

The drawImage () function only has to be called once at the end of the switch and only if there is a $draw object:

    if (isset ($draw))
      $im->drawImage ($draw);
      $draw->clear ();
      $draw->destroy ();
      unset ($draw);

Tidying up

Both clear () and destroy () will often be used in sequence for Imagick and ImagickDraw objects, and then, perhaps, for more than one object at a time. In this case it make sense to define a function to simplify the housekeeping:

function delete_images ($imagick_array)
  if (!is_array ($imagick_array)) $imagick_array = array ($imagick_array);
  foreach ($imagick_array as $imagick)
    $imagick->clear ();
    $imagick->destroy ();

And while we're at it, why not a function to dispose of temporary files that might also be produced on the way?

function delete_files ($files)
  if (!is_array ($files)) $files = array ($files);
  foreach ($files as $file) unlink ($file);

Then the above drawing action can be abbreviated to:

    if (isset ($draw))
      $im->drawImage ($draw);
      delete_images ($draw);
      unset ($draw);

More than two points

If you plan on using the line function to draw complex graphs, then it is going a bit of a pain individually defining all of the line segments needed. In this case—and others are conceivable— why not put the data in a data line on its own and call the line function without any data on its own to render the line?

      case "p:":
        $points = array_shift ($data);

Now for our line function to be able to use Imagick's polyline () function, this $points array has to be converted into a special array, where the keys to the x and y values are literally "x" and "y":

function convert_array_xy ($old_array)
  $caxy = array ();
  for ($i = 0; $i < count ($old_array) / 2; $i++)
    if (isset ($old_array[2 * $i + 1])) $caxy[] = array ('x' => $old_array[2 * $i], 'y' => $old_array[2 * $i + 1]);
  return $caxy;

Note the sanity check to prevent the function from failing: if the number of array elements is odd, then the last element will not be set with just the x value.
The line function can look like this:

      case "line":
        $draw = new LTImagickDraw ();
        checkdata (array ("black", 1, 1.0));
        $draw->ColorWidthFill ($data[1], $data[2], "none", $data[3]);
        $draw->setStrokeLineJoin (2);
        $draw->polyline (convert_array_xy ($points));

In this snippet of code note that we can now also set the line transparency, but that the fill colour is also transparent to prevent polyline() from drawing a filled polygon. Also, the line joining mode has to be set; in most case the rounded joins produced by the integer 2 are suitable.
This means that the irregular polygon can also use $points for its data:

      case "poly":
        $draw = new LTImagickDraw ();
        checkdata (array ("black", 1, "none", 1.0));
        $draw->ColorWidthFill ($data[1], $data[2], $data[3], $data[4]);
        $draw->setStrokeLineJoin (2);
        $draw->polygon (convert_array_xy ($points));

Also the regpoly function can use $points that it must calculate before calling polygon ():

      case "regpoly":
        $draw = new LTImagickDraw ();
        checkdata (array (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $data[7], 0));
        $draw->ColorWidthFill ($data[1], $data[2], $data[3]);
        $draw->setStrokeLineJoin (2);
        $rotate = deg2rad ($data[9]);
        $points = array ();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $data[4]; $i++) array_push ($points, $data[5] + $data[7] * cos ($rotate + 2 * $i * M_PI / $data[4]), $data[6] + $data[8] * sin ($rotate + 2 * $i * M_PI / $data[4]));
        $draw->polygon (convert_array_xy ($points));

Text, Scaling, Shadow, Blurred Edges, Distortion

Adding Text

Text is a little more complicated than the geometrical shapes in the last section. Both stroke colour and fill colour have to be defined. In addition the font and the font size need to be defined; antialiasing the text would also be useful. Finally, text alignment and position have to be determined.
In Imagick "text alignment" refers only to whether the text is left-justified, centred or right-justified; the point at which the text is to be written has then to be calculated from a number of factors which depend on the font and its size.
The tasks at hand are:

The InterDraw commando for text is:
text outer_colour font_size font_colour font justify adjust_x adjust_y output
and its implementation:

case "text":
  $draw = new ImagickDraw ();
  $draw->ColorWidthFill ($data[1], 1, $data[3]);
  $draw->setFontSize ($data[2]);
  $draw->setFont ($data[4]);
  $draw->setTextAntialias (true);
  switch ($data[5])
    case "right": $draw->setTextAlignment(Imagick::ALIGN_RIGHT); break;
    case "left": $draw->setTextAlignment(Imagick::ALIGN_LEFT); break;
    case "center": $draw->setTextAlignment(Imagick::ALIGN_CENTER); break;
  for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++)
    if ($i == 6) $adjustx = array_shift ($data);
    elseif ($i == 7) $adjusty = array_shift ($data);
    else array_shift ($data);
  $text = html_entity_decode (implode ("\n", explode ("<br>", implode (" ", $data))), 0, "UTF-8");
  $metrics = $im->queryFontMetrics ($draw, $text);
  $adjustx = $data[6] * $width / 100;
  $adjusty = $data[7] / 100 * ($height - $metrics["textHeight"] + $metrics["descender"]) + $metrics["characterHeight"];
  $draw->annotation ($adjustx, $adjusty, $text);

To determine which fonts (true-type only) are available on your machine, run the following:

$im = new Imagick ();
$fonts = $im->queryFonts ();
foreach ($fonts as $font) echo "$font<br>";
$im->destroy ();


new 120 90
text none 24 midnightblue Mary-Jane-deGroot center 52 -25 Now is<br>the time
background lightgoldenrod
save textex.gif

Scaling Images

The scaling function presented here could be made much more sophisticated by allowing the full set of filter constants that Imagick supports. However for most purely photographic manipulations the SINC filter is good enough. For the resize, three options are available: to a predetermined pixel size of the width or height (with the aspect ratio conserved) or by a percentage. When resizing an image it is also customary to sharpen it at the same time; the third optional parameter in the InterDraw code is the sharpening factor (< 1 for sharp; > 1 for blur; if unset then it takes the value 1):
scale method value sharpen
The implementation is:

case "scale":
  switch ($data[1])
    case "w":
      $width = $data[2];
      $height = round ($width * $im->getImageHeight () / $im->getImageWidth ());
    case "h":
      $height = $data[2];
      $width = round ($height * $im->getImageWidth () / $im->getImageHeight ());
    case "%":
      $width = round (($data[2] / 100) * $im->getImageWidth ());
      $height = round ($width * $im->getImageHeight () / $im->getImageWidth ());
  if (!isset ($data[3])) $data[3] = 1;
  $im->resizeImage ($width, $height, imagick::FILTER_SINC, $data[3]);


Adding Shadow

And now for the grief. Blurry shadows and edges look really cool on photos, but their success depends on saving the file in a format that will allow partial transparency (normally only PNG and TIF) and, in some cases, transforming the file to a suitable format before doing any work on it. In adding a shadow we will need to:

As these functions are helpfully undocumented, it pays to state that the third and fourth variables required by shadowImage () are entirely without consequence; the correct orientation of the image in respect to the shadow can only be achieved with compositeImage ().

case "shadow":
  if (!isset ($data[4])) $data[4] = "ul";
  switch ($data[4])
    case "ul":
      $x = 0;
      $y = 0;
    case "ur":
      $x = 4 * $data[3];
      $y = 0;
    case "ll":
      $x = 0;
      $y = 4 * $data[3];
    case "lr":
      $x = 4 * $data[3];
      $y = 4 * $data[3];
  $shadow = $im->clone ();
  $shadow->setImageBackgroundColor ($data[1]);
  $shadow->shadowImage ($data[2], $data[3], 0, 0);
  $shadow->compositeImage ($im, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $x, $y);
  $im = $shadow->clone ();
  delete_images ($shadow);
  $width = $im->getImageWidth ();
  $height = $im->getImageHeight ();

Because shadowImage () always adds a border to the image depending on the value of extent, $width and $height have to be reset.
The InterDraw commando runs:
shadow colour opacity_% extent [orientation]


As can be seen from these examples, only PNG results in the correct image, both JPG and GIF are unusable. Because JPG interprets "transparent" as black, the font colour was changed to white for that example. GIF will still give an image with transparent areas, but it cannot interpret partial transparency. Interestingly, TIF produces an image that is almost identical to the JPG.

Blurred Edges

The idea with blurring the edges of a photos (also a cool effect) is to take an image, set and then blur its alpha channel and then perform a gamma-shift (shift the midpoint of the blurred "grey") to eat up more or less of the remaining image. The only problem here is that this "leveling" of the alpha channel cannot be performed by levelImage () from Imagick, so it has to be accessed by executing convert at the command line.
Let's first have a look at what blurImage () can do on its own. By the way, this will also work for other blur methods such as gaussianBlurImage (), although the Gaussian version takes a much longer time.
We need to:

The result with
bluredge 5
so far looks like this:

And the implementation thus far:

case "bluredge":
  checkdata (5, 1, 0);
  $im->setImageBackgroundColor ("none");
  $im->setImageVirtualPixelMethod (imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_TRANSPARENT);
  $im->setImageMatte (true);
  $im->blurImage (0, $data[1], imagick::CHANNEL_ALPHA);

Now, with blurImage () the edges are noticeably blurred but there are still distinct edges bounding the whole image. The method for blurring these sharp boundaries as well would be to transform the mask in such a way that more of the image belongs in the transparent part. Unfortunately here we have to revert to using the command line version for satisfactory results:

This can be done by appending the following lines to the implementation from before:

  $im->writeImage ("temp0.png");
  exec ("convert temp0.png -background none -virtual-pixel background -channel A -level 0,$data[2]% +channel temp1.png");
  delete_images ($im);
  $im = new Imagick ("temp1.png");
  delete_files (array ("temp1.png", "temp0.png"));

The InterDraw commando is now:
bluredge sigma extent
Note how as extent nears 0, more of the image is consumed by the blurred edge and, conversely, when the extent approaches 100, the edges become more distinct.

There appears to be no way of doing this directly from the Imagick interface with the same results, but if anyone can show me, they'll get a Mintie.
I have experimented with the following to replace the above five lines of code:
$im->levelImage (0, $data[2], 32767, imagick::CHANNEL_ALPHA);
but the resulting images differ considerably:

Some unusual effects are achievable here, they were just not what I had in mind. Take it for what it's worth.



Imagick will do a number of distortions, many of which require some knowledge of what types and numbers of arguments need to be present in order for the distortion to work. We will concentrate here on the barrel distortion, an optical distortion that often arises in cameras and needs to be corrected for (but see also the following tutorial on a dedicated program that combines barrel with perspective distortions to restore orthogonality, where I make the case that only Dersch's B is significant). In the meantime after further analysis it appears that Dersch's A is also necessary, even though it is the wrong power (4th instead of 5th), because it at least can stand in for the correct power at values of R ≈ 1. Dersch's D is dependent on the values of A and B (see "The Math" for further details directly below). In any case, in the following code, the value for D is calculated from A and B for any aspect ratio.
In this case, we will leave room for other types of distortion being determined in the second commando string and concentrate on the barrel distortion case:

The Interdraw syntax is:
distort method "barrel" value_a float value_b float [value_d float]
And the PHP:

case "distort":
  $aspect_ratio = max ($width / $height, $height / $width);
  $da = $data[2];
  $db = $data[3];
  switch ($data[1])
    case "barrel":
      $cnst = imagick::DISTORTION_BARREL;
      if (isset ($data[4])) $dd = $data[4]; else
        if ($db + $da > 0) $dd = 1 - $db * (1 + pow ($aspect_ratio, 2)) - $da * pow (1 + pow ($aspect_ratio, 2), 1.5);
        else $dd = min (1 - $db * pow ($aspect_ratio, 2) - $da * pow ($aspect_ratio, 3), 1 - $db - $da);
  $im->setImageVirtualPixelMethod (imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_TRANSPARENT);
  $im->distortImage ($cnst, array ($da, $db, 0, $dd), true);

The Math

In order to save as much of the image as possible without "blank" areas arising (which would be filled in, in any case, with the virtual pixel method), it is necessary to keep the length of the blue lines in the following cases constant. The saved and original images are shown in very light grey, and the amount lost in the transformation in darker grey:
In the barrel distortion case (to counteract a lens pincushion distortion, A + B > 0), the diagonal R has to transform to itself under the Dersch equation:

AR4 + BR3 + CR2 + DR = R'
With C = 0, this simplifies to:
AR4 + BR3 + DR = R'
In the case that the transformed diagonal maps to itself:
R' = R = AR4 + BR3 + DR
Dividing by R gives:
1 = AR3 + BR2 + D
But given the aspect ratio α, we also know from Pythagoras that:
R2 = α2 + 1, and
R3 = (α2 + 1)3/2
So that:
1 = A . (α2 + 1)3/2 + B . (α2 + 1) + D
Rearranging gives:
D = 1 - B . (α2 + 1) - A. (α2 + 1)3/2,
where B is the entered value for Dersch's B constant. This holds true for any aspect ratio, and any orientation, as all diagonals are equal.

In the pincushion distortion case (to counteract a lens barrel distortion, A + B ≤ 0), however, the x and y distortions have to be considered separately.
For the y distortion in the landscape orientation, this means that:

R' = R = 1 = AyR4 + ByR3 + DyR
Rearranging and since R = 1 anyway:
Ay + By + Dy = 1
Dy = 1 - By - Ay
If the length of the shorter dimension is 1 by definition, then the length of the longer dimension must be the aspect ratio, α, where α > 1, giving for the x dimension:
R' = α = Ax . α4 + Bx . α3 + Dx . α
Dividing by α:
1 = Ax . α3 + Bx . α2 + Dx
Dx = 1 - Bx . α2 - Ax . α3
For the case of portrait orientation, where height is greater than width, the x and y values are swapped. As D is a linear operator, we would normally simply choose the lesser value of Dx and Dy to avoid stretching the image.

image public_lt.png
# distort barrel 0.0173 -0.04744
scale w 160 0.8
save public_or.png
image public_lt.png
distort barrel 0.0173 -0.04744
scale p 160 0.8
save publicex.png
The image on the left has already been distorted perspectively to ensure that the four corners of the sign form a rectangle, but due to barrel distortion by the camera lens, it still looks "fat". Correcting the barrel distortion by applying Dersch's A = 0.0173, Dersch's B = -0.04744 reduces the bloatedness in the image on the right considerably, although the curvature still present at the bottom of the sign might be due to actual bending.
Note also how lines can be "commented out" by prefixing almost any character to the start of the commando.

Quite a number of image transformations affect the image as a whole and require few parameters. Even then, some parameters that Imagick requires seem to have no effect. In this case they can usually be set to a value known to work and the operator can be left to manipulate values that will make a difference.
Before launching into this, let me introduce one further function, in addition to checkdata (), which will come in handy when dealing with these transformations. This function translates a string into the corresponding Imagick::CHANNEL_ constant, by directly setting it to the appropriate integer (and thanks again to the Imagick team for all that information about what integers are):

function find_channel ($cnst)
  switch ($cnst)
    case "red" : $cnst = 1; break;
    case "gray" : $cnst = 2; break;
    case "cyan" : $cnst = 3; break;
    case "green" : $cnst = 4; break;
    case "magenta" : $cnst = 5; break;
    case "blue" : $cnst = 6; break;
    case "yellow" : $cnst = 7; break;
    case "alpha" : $cnst = 8; break;
    case "opacity" : $cnst = 9; break;
    case "matte" : $cnst = 10; break;
    case "black" : $cnst = 11; break;
    case "index" : $cnst = 12; break;
    case "all" : $cnst = 13; break;
    case "default" : $cnst = 14; break;
    default: $cnst = 0;
  return $cnst;

The rest, as they say, is history:

case "oilpaint":
  checkdata (0);
  $im->oilPaintImage ($data[1]);
case "vignette":
  checkdata (array (0, 0));
  $im->vignetteImage ($data[1], $data[2], 0, 0);
case "despeckle":
  $im->despeckleImage ();
case "charcoal":
  checkdata (array (0, 0));
  $im->charcoalImage ($data[1], $data[2]);
case "emboss":
  checkdata (array (0, 0));
  $im->embossImage ($data[1], $data[2]);
case "solar":
  checkdata (0);
  $im->solarizeImage (pow (2, 12 + $data[1]));
case "sketch":
  checkdata (array (0, 0));
  $im->sketchImage (0, $data[1], $data[2]);
case "sigmoid":
  checkdata (array (0, 0));
  $im->sigmoidalContrastImage (true, $data[1], $data[2]);
case "contrast":
  checkdata (0);
  if ($data[1] > 0) for ($i = 0; $i < $data[1]; $i++) $im->contrastImage (true);
  else for ($i = 0; $i > $data[1]; $i--) $im->contrastImage (false);
case "sepia":
  checkdata (0);
  $im->sepiaToneImage ($data[1]);
case "equal":
  $im->equalizeImage ();
case "normal":
  checkdata ("all");
  $channel = find_channel ($data[1]);
  $im->normalizeImage ($channel);
case "negate":
  checkdata ("all");
  $channel = find_channel ($data[1]);
  $im->negateImage (false, $channel);
case "poster":
  checkdata (0);
  $im->posterizeImage ($data[1], false);
case "channel":
  checkdata ("red");
  $im->separateImageChannel ($data[1]);
case "tint":
  checkdata ("red");
  $im->tintImage ($data[1], 1);
case "gamma":
  checkdata (array (1.0, "all"));
  $channel = find_channel ($data[2]);
  $im->gammaImage ($data[1], $channel);

Summary of the Photographic Transformations
ImageMagick InterDraw ImageMagick InterDraw
oilPaintImage (radius) oilpaint radius charcoalImage (radius, sigma) charcoal radius sigma
vignetteImage (blackpoint, whitepoint, centerX, centerY) vignette blackpoint whitepoint despeckleImage (void) despeckle
embossImage (radius, sigma) emboss radius sigma solarizeImage (threshold) solar threshold
sketchImage (radius, sigma, angle) sketch sigma angle sigmoidalContrastImage (direction, amount, midpoint) sigmoid amount
sepiaToneImage (threshold) sepia threshold equalizeImage (void) equal
normalizeImage (channel) normal channel negateImage (gray, channel) negate channel
posterizeImage (levels, dither) poster levels separateImageChannel (channel) channel index
tintImage (tint, opacity) tint color gammaImage (gamma, channel) gamma gamma channel

Now let's give Mel the Andy Warhol treatment and see what she comes out looking like:

Before some misguided soul decides to spend the remainder of their life translating all the other arcane functions that Imagick has to offer into InterDraw drawing codes, let's reflect a minute about on what InterDraw is intended to achieve: Not simplicity in its own right, but the rendering of Utilitarian Concepts. Simplicity on its own can be readily achieved by simplifying the function names, leaving off parameters that have no effect, etc. This much has become obvious from the treatment of the photographic transformations in the last section. But the idea of Utilitarian Concepts requires that something awfully complicated in PHP code can be reduced to a small number of almost intuitive parameters without losing any of the necessary detail. It is thus we turn to the problem of drawing a pie chart.

The classical implementation of the pie chart in PHP's GD graphics is to stack a series of elliptical sectors onto one another. This approach fails at the outset with Imagick because the functions ellipse () and arc (), which are in reality synonyms, do not result in sectors, but in curiously closed arcs, segments. Give those guys a dictionary.

In order to draw a true sector, we require:

The implementation:

case "sector":
  $draw = new LTImagickDraw ();
  checkdata (array ("blue", 1, "red", 10, 10, 10, 10, 0, 90));
  list (, $l_color, $l_width, $f_color, $cx, $cy, $rw, $rh, $s_deg, $f_deg) = $data;
#[more on setting the darker colour $dark_color here later]
  $dark_color = $f_color; # for the time being
  $draw->ColorWidthFill ("none", 0, $dark_color);
  $start = deg2rad ($s_deg);
  $finish = deg2rad ($f_deg);
#[start of ellipse drawing looop - see later]
  $points = array ($cx, $cy);
  if ($f_deg - $s_deg > 180)
    $draw->ellipse ($cx, $cy, $rw, $rh, $s_deg, $s_deg + 180);
    $draw->ellipse ($cx, $cy, $rw, $rh, $s_deg + 180, $f_deg);
    array_push ($points, $cx + $rw * cos ($start + M_PI), $cy + $rh * sin ($start + M_PI));
  } else
    $draw->ellipse ($cx, $cy, $rw, $rh, $s_deg, $f_deg);
    array_push ($points, $cx + $rw * cos ($start), $cy + $rh * sin ($start));
  array_push ($points, $cx + $rw * cos ($finish), $cy + $rh * sin ($finish));
  $draw->polyline (convert_array_xy ($points)); #[more on 3-D sectors here later]

The InterDraw code and its result are:

new 160 120
sector deepskyblue 2 deepskyblue4 82 65 75 50 0 130
sector violetred 2 violetred4 78 55 75 50 130 360
background tan

A third dimension

If a tenth parameter were introduced this could be the height of the pie. A missing tenth parameter could be checked for and set to 1; then we could loop through drawing the ellipses, raising them one pixel at a time:

#[first check for ten parameters]
  checkdata (array ("blue", 1, "red", 10, 10, 10, 10, 0, 90, 1));
  list (, $l_color, $l_width, $f_color, $cx, $cy, $rw, $rh, $s_deg, $f_deg, $hgt) = $data;
#[and now the loop]
  for ($i = 0; $i < $hgt; $i++)
    $ncy = $cy - $i;
    $points = array ($cx, $ncy);
    if ($f_deg - $s_deg > 180)
      $draw->ellipse ($cx, $ncy, $rw, $rh, $s_deg, $s_deg + 180);
      $draw->ellipse ($cx, $ncy, $rw, $rh, $s_deg + 180, $f_deg);
      array_push ($points, $cx + $rw * cos ($start + M_PI), $ncy + $rh * sin ($start + M_PI));
    } else
      $draw->ellipse ($cx, $ncy, $rw, $rh, $s_deg, $f_deg);
      array_push ($points, $cx + $rw * cos ($start), $ncy + $rh * sin ($start));
    array_push ($points, $cx + $rw * cos ($finish), $ncy + $rh * sin ($finish));
    $draw->polyline (convert_array_xy ($points));

The InterDraw code and its result now look like this (changes highlighted in red):

new 160 120
sector deepskyblue 2 deepskyblue4 82 65 75 50 0 130 10
sector violetred 2 violetred4 78 52 75 50 130 360
background tan

The 3-D pie chart could do with at least two improvements:

  1. The edge parts could be of a darker colour to imitate a shadow. This would make it easier to recognise the third dimension; and
  2. Some border lines would enhance the effect.

Darkening the sides

What say we darken the original colour by reducing its RGB values to 75% of what they are, draw (n - 1) sectors in that colour with the nth sector in the desired colour. There are at least five ways of determining the individual RGB values:

  1. Break apart a hexadecimal string into two-character pieces with str_split () and evaluate each of the fragments to an integer with hexdec ();
  2. Break apart an rgb(r,g,b) string;
  3. Break apart an rgb(r%,g%,b%) string and convert to the corresponding integers;
  4. Look up the colour names and RGB values in this Access database; or
  5. Try creating an ImagickPixel object and access the colour values from it.
The following implements the fifth method. After determining the values—regardless of the method—the darkened colour is put together, in this case as an rgb(r,g,b) value. This will be done in a separate function that enables lightening or darkening of a colour by any percentage value. In this way a flexible function can be used for other purposes.

function brightness ($cstring, $amount)
  $amount = min (100, $amount);
  $amount = max (-100, $amount);
  $cl = new ImagickPixel ($cstring);
  $carray = $cl->getColor ();
  if ($amount > 0) $red = round ($carray["r"] + $amount * (255 - $carray["r"]) / 100); else $red = round ($carray["r"] * (1 + $amount / 100));
  if ($amount > 0) $green = round ($carray["g"] + $amount * (255 - $carray["g"]) / 100); else $green = round ($carray["g"] * (1 + $amount / 100));
  if ($amount > 0) $blue = round ($carray["b"] + $amount * (255 - $carray["b"]) / 100); else $blue = round ($carray["b"] * (1 + $amount / 100));
  $clv = "rgb($red,$green,$blue)";
  delete_images ($cl);
  return $clv;

Now the variable $dark_color can be set when initialising the values:
$dark_color = brightness ($f_color, -25);
And the following line can be inserted at the beginning of the stacking loop:
if ($i == $data[10] - 1) $draw->setFillColor ($f_color);

Our InterDraw code and its result now look like this:

new 160 130
sector deepskyblue 2 deepskyblue4 82 75 75 50 0 130 10
sector violetred 2 violetred4 78 62 75 50 130 360 10
background tan

Some lines

To top it all off, we'll add some outlines to enhance the effect. Before going about drawing the lines, the stroke colour has to be set to the value present in the posted data, as does the stroke width, and the fill colour has to be set to transparent:
$draw->ColorWidthFill ($l_color, $l_width, "transparent");

Then the lines in order:

  1. The top pie circumference is always visible;
  2. The bottom pie circumference is visible:
  3. The initial bottom radial line is visible if the starting angle is between 90° and 270°, and the final bottom radial line is visible if the finishing angle is less than 90° or between 270° and 450°;
  4. Both top radial lines are always visible; and, finally,
  5. Vertical lines are drawn when the centre or the leading or trailing edges are visible or if the horizon is reached.

  $draw->ellipse ($cx, $ncy, $rw, $rh, $s_deg, $f_deg);
  if ($s_deg < 180) $draw->ellipse ($cx, $cy, $rw, $rh, max ($s_deg, 0), min ($f_deg, 180));
  elseif ($f_deg > 360) $draw->ellipse ($cx, $cy, $rw, $rh, 0, $f_deg % 360);
  if ($s_deg > 90 and $s_deg < 270) $draw->line ($cx, $cy, $cx + $rw * cos ($start), $cy + $rh * sin ($start));
  if ($f_deg < 90 or ($f_deg > 270 and $f_deg < 450)) $draw->line ($cx, $cy, $cx + $rw * cos ($finish), $cy + $rh * sin ($finish));
  $draw->polyline (convert_array_xy (array ($cx + $rw * cos ($finish), $ncy + $rh * sin ($finish), $cx, $ncy, $cx + $rw * cos ($start), $ncy + $rh * sin ($start))));
  if (($s_deg < 90 and $f_deg < 90) or ($s_deg > 90 and $f_deg > 90 and $f_deg < 450)) $draw->line ($cx, $cy, $cx, $ncy);
  if ($s_deg < 270 and $s_deg > 0) $draw->line ($cx + $rw * cos ($start), $ncy + $rh * sin ($start), $cx + $rw * cos ($start), $cy + $rh * sin ($start));
  elseif (($s_deg < 0 and $f_deg > 0) or ($s_deg < 360 and $f_deg > 360)) $draw->line ($cx + $rw, $cy, $cx + $rw, $ncy);
  if ($f_deg < 180 or $f_deg > 270) $draw->line ($cx + $rw * cos ($finish), $ncy + $rh * sin ($finish), $cx + $rw * cos ($finish), $cy + $rh * sin ($finish));
  elseif ($s_deg < 180 and $f_deg > 180) $draw->line ($cx - $rw, $cy, $cx - $rw, $ncy);

The same InterDraw code from above sequentially draws:


When all put together the sector part of InterDraw takes up more than 50 lines of code, yet is accessed by no more than 10 pieces of data. That, to me, is the power of a Utilitarian Concept. We can argue about the aesthetics, but crunching 50 lines of code down into one is the effect I'm looking for, not the bean-counting of getting all the Imagick functions to work with InterDraw. Possible future functions might include: plotting graphs from data file or databases, with automatic recognition of x and y axis ranges; or corporate-identity data-graphing with custom graphic placements and colours. A better "perspective" pie graph might actually use the perspective transformation that Imagick offers, rather than the very simplified version I have described. Or reduce aliasing by producing a larger graphic and then scaling it down. Anything to make life simpler and more pleasing, and anything rather than Microsoft!
The code that gives us "That's π!" from the top of the page is astoundingly simple:

new 320 240
sector blue 2.5 palevioletred3 159 144 140 90 125 235 20
sector magenta 2.5 springgreen 161 146 140 90 330 485 20
sector firebrick 2.5 lightcyan2 165 112 140 90 235 330 20
text black 36 black Palatino-Linotype center 50 70 That's &#960;!
background lightyellow1

Table surface reflections—where an image is reflected in a surface and becomes less distinct in both focus and strength as the reflection deepens—are currently en vogue and ImageMagick is a way of achieving them. However, we do have to resort to the command line here (at least in PHP use the exec () function) because the Imagick functions prove to be not quite up to the challenge.

Briefly the steps in produce the reflect/blur functions are:

That's about it! The syntax is:
reflect-blur opacity%_top int opacity%_bottom int blur_pixel_radius int
And the implementation:

case "reflect-blur":
  checkdata (array (100, 0, 10));
  $im_temp = $im->clone ();
  $im_temp->flipImage ();
  $im_temp->writeImage ("sharp.png");
  $im_temp->blurImage (0, $data[3]);
  $im_temp->writeImage ("blur.png");
  $mask = new Imagick ();
  $mask->newPseudoImage ($width, $height, "gradient:black-white");
  $mask->writeImage ("mask.png");
  exec ("composite blur.png sharp.png mask.png -compose srcover temp.png");
  $im_temp = new Imagick ("temp.png");
  $mask->newPseudoImage ($width, $height, "gradient:gray{$data[1]}-gray{$data[2]}");
  $im_temp->compositeImage ($mask, imagick::COMPOSITE_COPYOPACITY, 0, 0);
  $im->addImage ($im_temp);
  delete_images (array ($mask, $im_temp));
  delete_files (array ("sharp.png", "blur.png", "temp.png", "mask.png"));
  $im->resetIterator ();
  $im = $im->appendImages (true);
  $height = $height * 2;

A further popular image manipulation is Advanced Tone Mapping (ATM)—in particular on High Dynamic Range (HDR) images. These are images formed from bracketed series (e.g. from under- to overexposed individual images) in order to extend the dynamic range of the digital camera sensor. ATM is then applied as the icing on the cake to enhance local contrast; but it can also be used on normal images as well, as in the example below.

GIMP has an ATM plug-in script available here and from the source it was possible to construct an ImageMagick equivalent. First, let's consider what the GIMP script achieves:

After some experimentation with saving the intermediate stages of the GIMP plugin and comparing them to the effects of Imagick, I have come up with the following which is as near as dammit a replication of the GIMP version:

case "atm":
  checkdata (array (5, 75, 90, 1));
  $im_temp = $im->clone ();
  $im->addImage ($im);
  $im->modulateImage (100, 0, 100);
  $im->negateImage (true);
  $radius = round ($data[1] * ($width + $height) / 200);
  $im->gaussianBlurImage ($radius, $radius / 3.1);
  $im->setImageMatte (true);
  $im->setImageOpacity ($data[2] / 100);
  $im = $im->flattenImages ();
  $im->setImageMatte (true);
  $im->setImageOpacity ($data[3] / 100);
  for ($i = 0; $i < $data[4]; $i++) $im_temp->compositeImage ($im, imagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTLIGHT, 0, 0);
  $im = $im_temp->clone ();

But even this doesn't give the exact image that GIMP does. For one thing, the blurring seems to take ages and the blur is executed differently by the two programs—GIMP appears not to need a $sigma value for the blur and the effects were similar when I set the divisor to 3.1; π or √10 were both too large and 3.0 was too small.

In any case here is a series of images to compare:


The Imagick image is somewhat brighter than the GIMP version, especially in the darker areas and in my opinion this is what Advanced Tone Mapping is meant to achieve. I can only suppose that Imagick's SOFTLIGHT procedure differs from that of the GIMP. The Interdraw syntax:
atm blur_% float blur_opacity_% float merge_opacity_% float copies int

For comparison here are the intermediate stages of both programs. The modulateImage () function performs exactly the same as desaturation by light values in the GIMP; negation is identical; then small differences start appearing with the blur and the initial merge. Top row is Imagick, bottom is GIMP:

Excerpt (upper left corner, 100%) with chromatic aberrationChromatic aberration removed

Chromatic aberration is difficult to deal with in a "one size fits all" approach, because it involves a number of separate phenomena (see Walree for more details). Here I propose a method for reducing the type of chromatic aberration that results from the mismatch in size between the different colour channels. In the original above, a cross-section of the leading green edge of the black line reveals the following spectral shifts:

For the picture to have all only black or white pixels, both the red and the blue lines would have to be shifted a couple of pixels to the right, so that they would overlay the green line. The purple coloration on the following edge of the black line is due to the lagging of the green channel as it enters the white area. The image under the data sample shows the effects of exaggerating this kind of chromatic aberration on a black line on a white background.

Let us assume that transverse or lateral chromatic aberration increases linearly from the centre of the image to the periphery and attempt to measure the amount of aberration. Ideally a photograph of a black right angle near the corner of the picture would provide a number of cross sectional samples needed to measure the channel shifts at their greatest. However, since we would be using only vertical or horizontal samples, and what we need to measure is the vector by which the corner of the image channel has to be displaced, our measured vertical or horizontal displacement has to be multiplied by a factor of (diagonal distance from centre) / (vertical distance from midline) for the vertical displacement (substitute horizontal distance from midline when calculating the horizontal displacement). Furthermore, we would like to measure the vector directly at the corner of the picture, but our measurements will only be more or less near the corner, so they have to be multiplied again by (picture diagonal) / (diagonal distance from centre). Taking these two factors together, we are left with multiplying the measured channel shift by (picture diagonal) / (vertical distance from midline) or (picture diagonal) / (horizontal distance from midline) as the case may be, giving in both cases the length of the corner vector.

This corner vector will have the same direction of the diagonal; so that the x-displacement will be 0.8 of the total, and the y-displacement 0.6 of the total, in a 4:3 image in landscape orientation. In the case of the example given above with its green leading and purple trailing edges as we move towards the centre, both the red and the blue channels will have to be shrunk to make them match the green channel.

The unit of displacement is absolute, i.e. in pixels. This is important when adjusting the displacement to differently sized images.

Furthermore, the measured chromatic aberration can be quite variable from image to image, and it is most noticeably dependent on the aperture, so that many different measurements have to be made to determine the channel shifts with any degree of reliability.

For the above image, the red displacement was measured at 1.658 ± 0.776 pixels and the blue at 2.235 ± 1.064 pixels for f = 8.0. Since these values were determined by several hundred measurements, the large variation need not be of great concern. What has to be achieved now is that all four corners of the red channel have to be shifted by 1.658 pixels towards the center, likewise the corners of the blue channel by 2.235 pixels. We'll pass those parameters as red_shift and blue_shift in the Interdraw data:

case "chroma":
  checkdata (array (0, 0));
  $diagonal = sqrt (pow ($width, 2) + pow ($height, 2));
  $x = $width / $diagonal;
  $y = $height / $diagonal;
  $red_ca_x = $x * $data[1];
  $red_ca_y = $y * $data[1];
  $blue_ca_x = $x * $data[2];
  $blue_ca_y = $y * $data[2];
  $transform_red = array (0, 0, $red_ca_x, $red_ca_y, 0, $height, $red_ca_x, $height - $red_ca_y, $width, $height, $width - $red_ca_x, $height - $red_ca_y, $width, 0, $width - $red_ca_x, $red_ca_y);
  $transform_blue = array (0, 0, $blue_ca_x, $blue_ca_y, 0, $height, $blue_ca_x, $height - $blue_ca_y, $width, $height, $width - $blue_ca_x, $height - $blue_ca_y, $width, 0, $width - $blue_ca_x, $blue_ca_y);
  $red = clone $im;
  $red->separateImageChannel (imagick::CHANNEL_RED);
  $red->setImageVirtualPixelMethod (imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_EDGE);
  $red->distortImage (imagick::DISTORTION_PERSPECTIVE, $transform_red, false);
  $green = clone $im;
  $green->separateImageChannel (imagick::CHANNEL_GREEN);
  $red->addImage ($green);
  $blue = clone $im;
  $blue->separateImageChannel (imagick::CHANNEL_BLUE);
  $blue->setImageVirtualPixelMethod (imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_EDGE);
  $blue->distortImage (imagick::DISTORTION_PERSPECTIVE, $transform_blue, false);
  $red->addImage ($blue);
  $red->setFirstIterator ();
  $im = $red->combineImages (imagick::CHANNEL_ALL);
  delete_images (array ($red, $green, $blue));

A complete operating version of all the functions so far described can be downloaded here.

addimage x_offset float y_offset float file_name string
atm blur_% float blur_opacity_% float merge_opacity_% float copies int
background colour color
bluredge sigma float extent% float
channel index int
charcoal radius int sigma int
chroma red_shift float blue_shift float
distort method "barrel" value_a float value_b float [value_d float]
ellipse border_colour color border_width float fill_colour color center_x float center_y float radius_horizontal float radius_vertical float
emboss radius int sigma int
equal channel channel
gamma gamma float channel channel
grid colour color width float spacing float
image file_name string
line colour color width float [transparency float]
negate channel channel
new width int height int [background_colour color]
normal channel channel
oilpaint radius int
p: x1 float y1 float x2 float y2 float [{xn float yn float}]
poly border_colour color border_width float fill_colour color line_transparency float
poster levels int
reflect-blur opacity%_top int opacity%_bottom int blur_pixel_radius float
regpoly border_colour color border_width float fill_colour color n_sides int center_x float center_y float radius_horizontal float [radius_vertical float [rotate float]]
save file_name string
scale method "w|h|%" value float [sharpen float]
sector border_colour color border_width float fill_colour color center_x float center_y float radius_horizontal float radius_vertical float angle_begin float angle_end float [layers int]
sepia threshold int
shadow colour color opacity_% float extent float [orientation "ul|ur|ll|lr"]
sigmoid amount float
sketch sigma int angle float
solar threshold int
text outer_colour color font_size float font_colour color font string justify "center|left|right" adjust_x float adjust_y float output html string
tint tint color
vignette blackpoint int whitepoint int


ImageMagick has a wide potential for image manipulation and only the basic outlines are given here. Any number of additions to InterDraw or optimisation or extension of its methods can be imagined. For the exercises, however, I have chosen two particularly promising extensions.

The photographic manipulations all checked for the right number of parameters and set missing parameters to default values by accessing the global variable $data. Task: Extend the error checking to other kinds of parameters and rewrite these to $dcode, which would be displayed in the drawing code box in the corrected form when the drawing is executed.
Hint: In the original code I simply turned $dcode into an array of the same name and instructed the code to work through $dcode member (i.e. line) by member, because I had no further use for it. But if the array were called $dcode_array, then $dcode could be unset and progressively added to as each line is drawn.

The next obvious stage of development would be to have InterDraw produce whole sequences of images with the intention of either experimenting with small changes to large numbers of images for optimisation or producing animations. Tasks:

  1. Design a loop structure to vary parameters from fixed starting and finishing points at predetermined intervals;
  2. Either work out a way to save individual images to a numbered image sequence, or use writeImages () to write multiframe GIF or TIF.

Comments and Questions

Can be directed to me here.
Thanks and have fun!

Lee Traynor

Next tutorial: ImageMagick® and Panorama Processing