8. North-West Circuit 1

Oban – Port William, 12.6 km
Sunday, February 10: Cloudy, somewhat variable, still dry
GPS Tour
Suspension Bridge at Maori Beach

Suspension Bridge at Maori Beach

Was up at 8:00 and had the full cooked breakfast, which made up for the lost breakfast at Matt’s from yesterday. Then there was work to be done in transcribing the diaries and scheduling the blog. That took up pretty much two hours and in the meantime I sent a regular OK message on the Spot Tracker, which showed up as such on the internet site. Sent the address around to a couple of friends (still wondering whether it would have been a good idea to send it to all the FB friends), had a cuppa with Tina and then did the rest of the packing. With the billy and the gas can on the outside of the pack (together with the raincoat and the dry change of clothes in a plastic bag) all the food fits on the middle level of the pack (i.e the bottom of the top section) with the vanity bag and the batteries on the top. The pack barely closes, but there you go.

So I was ready to go just before 12:00. Tina insisted on my leaving the suitcase at her place. Gave her the blog address which provoked a conversation about what skepticism is. Anyhow, we were off well before time because we were going to cross the annual walkathon which might cause a delay. Got through most of the way without a hitch, but then there was a stop for a couple of minutes to let the walkers cross the road. In the end we were at the airport with time to spare.

I checked in at 17 kg (and they also weighed me), but the gas can had to be left behind – apparently low air pressure might cause the gas to leak (I hope the plane engines are internal combustion). Anyway, can get a new one in Oban.

Walked around a bit and grabbed some newspapers (for firelighting) as I boarded. Two couples, each in a pair of seats and a girl and myself with a pair of seats to ourselves to sit on opposite sides of.

The flight itself, though brief, was a lot of fun. Got a couple of pictures from a poor vantage point. But fun anyway. It was soon over and we were piled into the shuttle bus for town. Then just two stops – the DoC and the supermarket. Got a hut pass for the entire circuit, and two tickets for Port William and North Arm. DoC no longer records intentions. The guy was the same guy from 2009. At the supermarket they only had small gas cans so I had to buy two and devise a method for attaching a second can to the pack. Water was apparently at a premium, so I bought some lemonade in addition to two sausage rolls for lunch. Finally just after 2:00 I started the GPS for a five-minute satellite fix and blasted off at 2:08.

Longer walk through the outer settlements to Lee Bay, which is the start of the track proper. The weight is pretty extreme – and it will increase tomorrow due to taking on water. The track (here: The Rakiura Great Walk) has lots of ups and downs but it is in very good condition and gravelled throughout. Met a Taiwanese girl, Novia, texting on the track, and a couple of guys at Maori Beach. Took a couple of brackets of the bridge and was very soon at the turn off for North Arm and at the hut proper before 6:00. Met by the wardens Kath and John, then set about unpacking. Surprised an Austrian woman, Christine, set the tracker up, washed the sox, boiled some water – which upon filling the bottle without sufficient cooling seemed to heat up the water even more. Had the one completely destroyed egg for dinner with a double packet of instant noodles which can be served in three courses as soup, main and dessert.

Just before dinner had been for a swim (very cold but refreshing) and went for a short jog along the beach.

Random discussions, card games and dinner going on all at once, and I have my ipod set up to listen to news in a few minutes. Some blue sky to the west, so may also catch a glimpse of Mercury. No news and no Mercury, let’s see if there are any stars, but it does appear very cloudy.

GPS Tour: North-West Circuit 1: Oban – Port William

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